2017年3月20日 星期一

still alice 我想念我自己

 Alzheimer’s drama has been circuitous. Back in May 2014, a Cannes best actress award pegged her as an Oscar frontrunner for her fearsomely poisonous turn in David Cronenberg’s scabrous Maps to the Stars. When that film’s US release date was pushed back to 2015, Moore appeared to have been cruelly robbed of what would surely have been her fifth Academy Award nomination. But then Still Alice premiered at Toronto in September, returning her to the front of the pack with a film more attuned to traditional Oscar-voter sensibilities. Moore’s overdue win was both deserved and popular, recognising a performance rich in sympathy, grace and insight – although personally I’d love to have seen her garlanded for Maps to the Stars, not least because it takes real guts to play a character as massively
Aided by cinematographer Denis Lenoir’s use of shallow depth of field to express Alice’s interior isolation, Moore does a brilliant job of drawing us into her increasingly unfamiliar world, the set of her smile and the anxiety of her stance saying as much as the elusive words for which she reaches with palpable pain. The same is true of Alice’s close family, who react to her diagnosis by declaring “that makes no sense”, and then variously come to terms with her attempts to master the “art of losing” (a reference to an Elizabeth Bishop poem) as horror turns to habit. The scene in which John and Alice first break the news to their children is particularly impressive, each member of the ensemble cast exhibiting one of several instantly .

Where: American 

What: a movie

Who:  Glatzer


How: a  movie which touched people all around the world.

cinematography :電影業的

sympathetic :同情心

diagonal :斜角




2017年2月26日 星期日

Why Park Geun-hye should resign 朴謹惠密友干政

MANY members of the party of South Korea’s president, Park Geun-hye, want it. So does the opposition, which controls South Korea’s parliament. So do most ordinary Koreans: they have been marching for it by the millions. Even Ms Park says she is ready to do it. So why has she not yet resigned?
Ms Park is hopelessly mired in an ever-deepening influence-peddling scandal (see article). She admits that she shared too much information about affairs of state with a close confidante, Choi Soon-sil, including advance drafts of many of her speeches. Ms Choi, prosecutors say, went on to use her clout with the president to extort money and favours from big companies and other organisations. Ms Park, the prosecutors allege, was an active participant in this racket, ordering her aides to help Ms Choi extract her payouts.

why:She admits that she shared too much information about affairs of state with a close confidante, Choi Soon-sil, including advance drafts of many of her speeches. 

what:they have been marching for it by the millions. Even Ms Park says she is ready to do it. So why has she not yet resigned?

who:Park Geun-hye,South Korea’s president

where:South Korea

how:Ms Park is hopelessly mired in an ever-deepening influence-peddling scandal.

key words:


peddling scandal :商業醜聞





2017年2月13日 星期一


I created the burkini to give women freedom, not to take it away Aheda Zanetti 
In late July, the Mayor of Cannes, David Lisnard, banned the burkini on public beaches, calling them “the uniform of extremist Islamism.” Since then more than 30 other French municipalities, many of them along the French Riviera, have followed suit.
A few weeks later, on August 26, the French Council of State, France’s highest administrative court, overturned the ban and ruled that mayors do not have the right to ban burkinis. The ruling was in response to a challenge that had been filed against the ban imposed by the mayor of Villeneuve-Loubet. Many of the mayors involved vowed to ignore the court ruling.
The ban joins an already existing French ban on the burqa, a full body covering that covers the lower face and has a meshed cloth over the eyes, and a niqab, which is identical except that a veil covers the lower face and the eyes are uncovered. The ban went into effect in April 2011, and mandates fines of 150 euros (165 dollars). Burqas, niqabs, headscarves and other “conspicuous religious symbols” were banned in French schools in 2004.
The issue has sparked a worldwide media frenzy. In France, Prime Minister Manuel Valls declared that he supported banning burkinis. Pouring fuel on the fire, Vallis, on August 29, pointed out that France’s national symbol, Marianne, had her “breasts exposed and ... that she wasn’t wearing a veil.” Just to be clear, the statue of Liberty at the Marianne Monument in Paris has one breast exposed while in Delacroix’s iconic painting, Liberty Leading the People, Liberty, which is often used as a depiction of Marianne, has both breasts exposed. Whether Vallis is proposing to ban the burkini in favor of the monokini is unclear. His comment was widely dismissed as moronic.
Not to be outdone, former French president Nicolas Sarkozy, who is widely expected to challenge Françoise Hollande for the presidency next year, declared that if elected, he would immediately ban the burkini. Predictably, Marine Le Pen, the president of France’s anti-immigration National Right party urged that the ban be immediately adopted nationally. According to a BBC report, recent polls indicate that 64 percent of the French public supported the ban and that another 30 percent had no opinion.

when:  In late July
what:  the Mayor of Cannes, David Lisnard, banned the burkini on public beaches, calling them “the uniform of extremist Islamism.
where: French
who:    David Lisnard, the Mayor of Cannes
how:    The issue has sparked a worldwide media frenzy. In France, Prime Minister Manuel Valls declared that he supported banning burkinis 

key  words 
depiction :描寫,敘述來源


2017年1月2日 星期一

Paris Climate Change Conference, COP 21

The twenty-first session of the Conference of the Parties (COP) and the eleventh session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP) took place from 30 November to 11 December 2015, in Paris, France.
“Everything must be done to make the Paris conference a success.
If we don't reach an agreement in December, the global public, who are looking at us, wouldn't understand. Our fellow citizens know that later will be too late.
So we, ministers and negotiators, must show ourselves equal to the challenges and to our responsibilities. Collectively, we must find the path to an ambitious compromise. Together, we can build hope.
Meet the conference hosts
"The Paris UN Climate Conference represents an historic opportunity to put the world on course to meet the climate change challenge. The world needs a new model of growth that is safe, durable and beneficial to all. COP21 seeks to deliver a clear pathway with short and long term milestones, and a system to help us measure and increase progress over time until we get the job done.  The Paris Agreement is not only possible, it is necessary and urgent. We are counting on everyone’s contribution."

who  Christiana Figueres

where  Paris

why   The twenty-first session of the Conference of the Parties (COP) 

what   "The Paris UN Climate Conference represents an historic opportunity to put the world on course to meet the climate change challenge

how  The Paris Agreement is not only possible, it is necessary and urgent. We are counting on everyone’s contribution."

pathway 小路

milestone 千里之石

negotiator 談判人

ministers  執行者

網址 http://unfccc.int/meetings/paris_nov_2015/meeting/8926.php

South China Sea, dispute, Hague, China, Philippines, Taiwan

Beijing asserts sweeping ownership in these contested waters. Now an international tribunal has ruled in favour of the Philippines in case over territorial  controlhe lead up to the ruling was fraught. China’s foreign minister called the US secretary of state, John Kerry, by telephone last week and warned against moves that infringe on China’s sovereignty. And Beijing conducted military drills,deploying at least two guided missile destroyers and a missile .
Bonnie Glaser, the director of the China Power Project at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) thinktank in Washington, said a ruling that questioned or rejected China’s “nine-dash line” would not  invalidate  all of Beijing’s claims to land or maritime zones in the South China Sea. “[But] it would really limit the amount of water that the Chinese could have any legal sovereignty claim to.
Russia has backed Beijing’s position that direct talks should take place.
And portraying itself as the victim of a US conspiracy to contain its rise, Beijing has scoured the globe for supporters in its case, no matter how disconnected they might be from the subject. In late May the foreign ministry in Beijing saidVanuatu, Lesotho and Palestine had joined its side.
“Countries that harbour no selfish interests and understand the South China Sea sympathise with and endorse China’s just position on this issue,” spokesperson Hua Chunying said.
Townshend said China had good historical reasons to be concerned about “more powerful external countries ganging up on it and telling it what it is entitled to do and not do”.
“[But] it is very difficult for China to play the victim card when you look at the scale and speed and content of what it has built and put on the islands.”

portray 描寫 描繪

maritime  沿海的

sovereignty 主權

frigate  巡防艦

 invalidate 方法 

What  :An international tribunal in The Hague overwhelmingly backed the Philippines in a case on the disputed waters of the South China Sea, ruling that rocky outcrops claimed by China 

Why :Control of the South China Sea is the most contentious and explosive diplomatic issue in east Asia, with China asserting sovereignty over maritime areas that span 3.5m square kilometres but are also claimed by Vietnam, Taiwan, Malaysia

Who: The Philippines raised the case in 2013 in a five-judge permanent court of arbitration in The Hague,

How : Experts are divided on how China will react to the verdict. Some believe China could push back aggressively if the court comes down firmly against its interests.

網址 :https://www.theguardian.com/news/2016/jul/12/south-china-sea-dispute-what-you-need-to-know-about-the-hague-court-ruling