2016年10月31日 星期一

Migrant crisis: Migration to Europe explained in seven charts 歐洲難民

More than a million migrants and refugees crossed into Europe in 2015, sparking a crisis as countries struggled to cope with the influx, and creating division in the EU over how best to deal with resettling people.
The vast majority arrived by sea but some migrants have made their way over land, principally via Turkey and Albania.
Winter has not stemmed the flow of people - with 135,711 people reaching Europe by sea since the start of 2016, according to the UNHCR.
Who:Refugees from Europe

Key words
Refugee :難民


1 則留言:

  1. It is a big problem about refugee. It happened civil war in their country, and they be forced to leave thier house. But if one country give them a shelter, they maybe face the some peoblem,such as money, attack etc.
